Sunday, March 30, 2008

class report (future plans/goals)

This report is show about TB2 classmates future and their goals.There are various reasons why students study English at Unitec.

IN the current Diploma of advance English class only one person is studying the course because
she wants improve her general English language skills, one would like to join the New Zealand
police, a only one does the course because she thinks it will benefit her business.

The rest of the students in the class are doing the English course because they would like to pursue a degree at University later on. Among them, three would like to be teachers, one would like to study community studies. The rest have not decided what degree they will be studying.

The results show that majority of the students study English at Unitec to improve their English so that they can further their studies at the University.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

About me

I was born in Tea Back city not far from the capital of city South Korea. I have been living in this country since 1990 and I am a citizen of New Zealand. I am living in Royal Oak which is not far from Unitec. My hobby is walking it helps me think and therapy for my mind.I was married once before but now I am single with two beautiful monsters one is a boy who is called Joe and he is 7 years old and one is a girl who is called Monica and she is going to be 10 years old next week and she is so excited.I had worked at the Cin Cin restaurant, Harbourside restaurant and Fishman's restaurant in Auckand. And then I was accepted as an international flight attendant by Air New Zealand and I resigned in 2002. So that I have been many countries and inside of New Zealand thourgh my job.

My first language is Korean and very little of Japanese also English is as my second language. Although I have been living in this county for long time and I had learnt English before I came to New Zealand I still need to improve English writting.I am aiming to study of business or ligel at the university of Aucland. I like to go to University which I did not have an opportunity to do when I was young .