Friday, May 2, 2008

about the effects of Globalisation on my life

Part of my definitions of Globalization is based on the entry recorded in Wikipedia online that is Globalization is the process which unifies people and access to economic forms across national barriers.Wikipedia is a good example of a global product that all people through access to technology can contribute to. This means that cultural barriers are broken down and people need to communicate from all over the world.

This creates some problems when different culture do not understand one another and when business does not respect the right of local people.For instance large global companies like McDonalds and Coca Cola, Starbucks are taking over the business of local people.we then lose national character when indigenous people are squeezed out of main centres.

However globalization relies on the media which can also have positive effects in protecting traditional culture and helping people to understand each other.The issue different counties and cultures face.

The Dalai Lama is a good example of someone who has used global media and travel to take a message of peace and compassion to the world. At the same time he promotes the cause of the Tibetan people in their struggle with China.

From my resarch it seems to me that we can not stop globalisation.Therefore we need to make it work for us not against us. We need our governments to make sure they protect local interests of business while still welcoming the rest of the world.